Monday, May 2, 2011


California is one of the top 5 states where bullying is ranked the worst. Do you want your state to remain the worst state in the United States that has a bad reputation of bullying? Bullying was first originated in the workplace and then evolved to something that is used more with younger children. Every 7 seconds a child is harassed. What can you do to stop prevent bullying? Help now by changing your state or if you need help call 1-800-FYI-CALL.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Still life photograph Katie Benz

Katie Benz is a Junior at Mercy. She is sixteen, does swimming, loves spaghetti, and loves the color green! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Andy Warhol Photographs

Object: 7up

Portrait: Baby cousin Ava

4squar: Cactus

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Photoshop extra credit

Color Emphasis 

In this photograph i singled out the main flower with the magnetic lasso tool. I then boosted the contrast on the flower. For the background i boosted the contrast on the color also and then selected the parts that i wanted desaturated. I would use the magic want to select. And then i would click desaturate. At the end i boosted the contrast over the entire image to give it a stronger effect. 


For this photograph i selected an image of my dog Henry. I selected the part i wanted to be effected. I then clicked the button with the circle. After i went to the layer colors and selected the bottom one. After i went to the effect "sphereize". Then it gave my dog's face this effect. 

Copy & paste

For this image i had to make sure both of my images were the same size. I did that by checking the sizes of each and changing them so they were exactly the same. I then selected my brother with the magnetic lasso and then clicked copy. I then went to the beach image and clicked paste. After i just made sure it was in the spot i wanted it in and then i was done.


For this image i had to make sure both images were the same size. I formatted each picture size so that they were exactly the same. After i simply copied the top image and pasted it to my other image with the mountain. I then formatted the filter of the top image so that it was transparent. 

Color filter 

For this photograph i did a color filter. I chose the warming one. Then i went to filter gallery and chose a filter that gave this effect. After i boosted the contrast and brightness a little. 


For this image i had to make a duplicate the image. We then did this thing where when you dragged the image down it was flipped. After we created our own ripples in a different layer under the filter gallery. Then we used those ripples on the bottom image. After we adjusted the color on the bottom image so that it matched the top image but with a water effect.

Black & white

This image i simply chose my picture. I then went to adjustments and hit desaturate. After doing that i ajusted the curves. Then i boosted the contrast a little. After i changed the brightness a little bit. 

Kid Cudi photoshop :]

For a couple weeks we worked a lot with Photoshop and we learned how to do different effects on it. After learning all the different ways to edit pictures we were assigned to use our knowledge of what we learned about Photoshop to create another Photoshop picture that we felt deserved to be in our portfolio. For this photograph I wanted to select a picture that I had not taken because I wanted to choose a picture and then make it my own. I chose to edit a picture of Kid Cudi, a famous artist, because his pictures are really unique and I really love his music. The original picture was all in black and white and the contrast was very low. I got it off of google images and chose this one because for some reason it stood out to me.
            The first thing I did in Photoshop was duplicate the layer. I then used the magnetic lasso tool to just select Kid Cudi. I then selected the inverse. After I did this I went to picture gallery and changed the filter. After I changed the filter to the way I wanted it to be I changed the color. I changed the background color by using the color change button. After changing the color to the color I wanted I then changed the contrast. I wanted the background to stand out. After that I changed the contrast of Kid Cudi himself so that he didn’t look dull compared to the background. At the end I boosted the contrast on the overall picture and changed the curves a little bit.
            I am really happy with my final picture because it really catches my eye. I wanted people to focus on the background at first, but then proceed to focus on Kid Cudi. I edited this picture multiple times because it took me a while to finally be happy with my final picture. I chose to use this edit of the picture because the color is unique and it’s different.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Little Toy (Buddha keychain)

Day at the aquarium

Day with Joyjoy

Day that I stayed home and did art

Day when I went to eat chinese with friends

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Photoshop exploration

Color Emphasis

Color filter


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fisheye :]

Vianca Rivas at her best


My Henbaby :]

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Landscape photographs

Abstract shot

Big shot Original

Big shot photoshop

Detail shot

Monday, January 24, 2011


Detail: My house.
Big: Camelot Fish&Chips.
Big: Dial Glass Window Co.

Interior: Dial Glass Window Co.
Detail: Dial Glass Window Co.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Heidi Kirkpatrick

Born 1959 Springfield, Ohio

Ansel Adams

  • (Feb. 20 1902 — Apr. 22, 1984)
  • Born in San Francisco
  • When he was 12 taught himself how to play the piano
  • Played it for years, and in 1920 wanted it to be his career
  • Piano brought structure and discipline to his youth 
  • Loved nature very much and had loved Golden Gate
  • He went to Yosemite from 1916- his death 
  • He first started using a Kodak No. 1 Box Brownie his parents had given him to take photos
  • At the Sierra Club his first published photographs and writings appeared in the club's 1922 Bulletin
  • In 1927 he made his first fully visualized photograph, Monolith, the Face of Half Dome.
  • Adams was one of the founding members of the f/64 school or group
    • A group of  photographers who shared similar interests and goals
  • A commercial photographer for 30 years,
  • made visionary photos of western landscapes
  • won three Guggenheim grants to photograph the national parks (1944--58)
  • developed zone exposure to get maximum tonal range from black-and-white film
  • Adams saved the Yosemite National Parks because he showed people the beauty of the nature through his own lens and showed them how beautiful Yosemite is.
  • Mostly all of his pictures are captured in Black and White

There is a lot of value, line, shape, form, and contrast in this photograph. There is also balance by position in this photograph. The road seems to be getting smaller because it is getting farther away. There is great texture in this photo also. The framing of this photograph is symmetrical balance. 

Chapter 9 notes: Landscapes

Landmarks in Landscape Photography
  • Carleton E. Watkins - capture the grandeur of the American West
    • Photographed in California
    • One of the first to have pictures as art
    • inspiration - The land and painting
  • Ansel Adams - photographed Yosemite Valley to promote conservation and capture how it feels being in the wilderness
Camera Settings
  • stop down the lens
  • maximum depth of field
  • small f-stops 
    • longer shutter speeds
  • tripod
    • sharp
    • vibration-free images

  • after sunrise or before sunset
  • angle of the sun is low
    • shapes 
    • textures are emphasized by side lighting
  • direct lighting 
    • 3D

  • yellow - brings out the clouds
  • red - deep black skies & stark white clouds
  • red filter & polarizer - ultimate black skies & maximum contrast
The Grand Landscape

  • Outdoors
  • "big view" 
  • Can be any nature setting
  • Emphasize the clouds in the sky
  • Use rule of thirds
  • Use polarizing yellow filters to make clouds stand out
  • suburban housing tracts - repeating shapes of the houses
  • horizon should be placed one-third from the top or bottom
  • 19th century - print a sky from one negative onto another negative

Landscape Details & Close-ups

  • parks are good spots
  • Focus on smaller elements of landscapes 
  • Japanese gardens 
    • meandering streams
    • small waterfalls
    • expertly placed trees
  • focus on vibrant flowers
  • Shoot in cloudy & overcast conditions 
  • sunrise & sunset 
    • quality of light with a special glow
  • light meters -find medium gray

Abstracted Elements in the Landscape

  • images of lines, shapes, values, & textures
  • Get close and personal to a subject - Macro lens
  • Lots of depth and field
  • Patterns in nature 
  • Interesting shapes and forms

                  Thursday, January 13, 2011

                  Architectural notes/Chapter 8 notes

                  -Architectural photos are indirect portraits.
                  -Not just shooting a building, trying to show personality to a space.
                  -Cropping is a big key in photos
                  -Color contrast draws viewers in
                  -If you use people, make sure they don't draw too much attention away from the photo
                  -In 1853 one of the first Architectural photos were taken
                  -Popular because you can find principles of elements of line, shape, and form in every Architectural photo.
                  -Fred Evans used emotion in his photos and took most photos of cathedrals in London
                  -Evans primarily worked in platinum papers
                  -This gave more level of detail then other photographs
                  -Platinum papers were used in bombs, so the price got higher
                  -Evans gave up photography because his medium was taken away
                  -Light is a very importaint thing
                  -Big picture shot, Detail shot, and interior shot are the 3 types of Architectural photos.
                  -Ezra Stroller was forst an Architect but loved taking photographs of Architectural buildings.
                  -Apply artistic emotions to Architectural phots so that its not just a photograph.
                  -Personality and relationship!
                  -Patterns dominate almost every picture.

                  CHAPTER 8 NOTES
                  -indirect portraits - buildings materials, styles and scale provide clues to who the people are that built them where and what their lives were like.

                  Thinking artistically: 
                  -Lines - can be used to lead the viewers eye 
                  -pattern - the repetition of any of the elements and adds complexity

                  -color=Setting and emphasize color
                  -texture=tactile or touchable quality of a surface
                  -black and white=Texture, value, and shape

                  Camera Settings
                  -Make as sharp as possible for interior so very detailed and clear
                  -Bigger camera format-provides more detail
                  -Smaller f stop

                  The Big View:

                  - aka overall view, wide-angle view
                  -straight forwards shot creates a 2-dimensional image
                  -perspective distortion:
                  -appears as strong converging lines in a building

                  The Detail Shot
                  -detailed architectural elements of buildings exterior or interior
                  -want to use telephoto lenses because you can stand at street level 

                  Interior Views
                  -can create a image of the of the people who use the room
                  - detail shots and up close pictures
                  -higher f-stop the more depth of field you get
                  -wide-angle lens

                  Monday, January 10, 2011

                  Movie Notes

                  -Pictures are used to attract arrention. -In newspapers newspeople want the biggest baddest picture so that it will make the front of the news paper.
                  -New York groffic was the biggest tabloid.
                  -Real life was not good enough for pictures
                               -they would stage photos so that it would look better
                  -A woman was found gulity for killing her husband.
                                 -A photographer hid a camera on his ankle to take photos of her being electrocuted
                                 -It was on the front page with the headline "Dead!"
                  -Angle and how you take a picture of an object was key to how their photos were sold
                  -Photography made celebrities more famous
                  -Babe Ruth was the first baseball player to have his face posted everywhere
                                   -"As a baseball player he made money, as a celebrity he made millions"
                  -Valentino died and one newspaper decided to show a picture of him in "heaven"
                  -Some people can only believe through photos
                  -naked eye can only see thousands of stars, but the milky way has millions of stars
                                      -Photos can capture more then the naked eye
                  -Photographty has made our 5 senses more extreme to more then what we could ever imagine